@techreport{oai:naist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008887, author = {Adachi, Naotoshi and Kasahara, Shoji and Takahashi, Yutaka}, issue = {TR2000008}, month = {Oct}, note = {The ATM-ABR service category provides minimum cell rate (MCR) guarantees and robust connections even with insufficient network resources. Recently proposed rate-management algorithms for supporting multimedia applications over ABR mainly aim at minimizing the cell loss and delay. However, jitter is also an important element of QoS for multimedia applications. In this paper, we focus our attention on the arrival point of the critical cell corresponding to the end of the data packet and propose a simple cell scheduling algorithm for the source node to reduce the jitter on application level under the ATM-ABR service class. In our proposed method, critical cells are delayed intentionally and the packet stream at application level becomes smooth.We verify the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm by the analytical model and simulation. From those results, we find that the our proposed scheduling algorithm is effective for reducing the application level jitter even when the tagged cell stream is transmitted along the path with multiple nodes.}, title = {Application-Level Jitter Reduction Scheme for Multimedia Communication over ATM-ABR Service}, year = {2000} }