@inproceedings{oai:naist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005132, author = {Fujiwara, Shin and 畑, 秀明 and Hata, Hideaki and Monden, Akito and 松本, 健一}, month = {}, note = {Large software projects such as Mozilla Firefox and Eclipse own more than ten thousand bug reports that have been reported but left unresolved. To utilize such a great amount of unresolved bug reports and accelerate bug detection and removal, we propose to a way recommend programmers a bug report that is likely to contain failure descriptions related to a source file being inspected. We employ the vector space model (VSM) to make a relevancy ranking of bug reports to a given source file. The result of an experiment using data of three open source software projects showed that the accuracies of recommendations ranged from 21.74% to 60.05% in terms of the percentage of recommendations that contained relevant bug reports in a top 10 recommended list.}, pages = {9--12}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {Bug report recommendation for code inspection}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ハタ, ヒデアキ and マツモト, ケンイチ} }