@inproceedings{oai:naist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005103, author = {Fujiwara, Kenji and 畑, 秀明 and Hata, Hideaki and Makihara, Erina and Fujihara, Yusuke and Nakayama, Naoki and Iida, Hajimu and 松本, 健一}, month = {May}, note = {In the research of Mining Software Repositories, code repository is one of the core source since it contains the product of software development. Code repository stores the versions of files, and makes it possible to browse the histories of files, such as modification dates, authors, messages, etc. Although such rich information of file histories is easily available, extracting the histories of methods, which are elements of source code files, is not easy from general code repositories. To tackle this difficulty, we have developed Historage, a fine-grained version control system. Historage repository is a Git repository which is built upon original Git repository. Therefore, similar mining techniques for general Git repositories are applicable to Historage repositories. Kataribe is a hosting service of Historage repositories, which enables researchers and developers to browse method histories on the web and clone Historage repositories to local. The Kataribe project aims to maintain and expand the datasets and features.}, pages = {380--383}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Kataribe: a hosting service of historage repositories}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ハタ, ヒデアキ and マツモト, ケンイチ} }