@inproceedings{oai:naist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004914, author = {Komatsu, Nobuhisa and Sasabe, Masahiro and Kasahara, Shoji}, month = {Aug}, note = {We have proposed an automatic evacuation guiding scheme based on cooperation between evacuees and their mobile nodes. In the previous work, we assume that information about blocked road segments is shared among mobile nodes through Epidemic routing, which is a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) routing protocol. In this paper, we propose an information sharing scheme called On-Demand Direct Delivery, which can reduce the network load compared to Epidemic routing. Since each evacuee moves to a safe place, he/she will require the information about blocked road segments in the region from the current position to the safe place. The proposed scheme selectively retrieves the information about blocked road segments in that region, through Direct Delivery. Through simulation experiments, we show the proposed scheme can keep the effectiveness of evacuation guiding with reduction of network load to about 1/36, compared to Epidemic routing.}, pages = {213--221}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {On Information Sharing Scheme for Automatic Evacuation Guiding System Using Evacuees’ Mobile Nodes}, volume = {9847}, year = {2016} }