@article{oai:naist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004051, author = {Aoto, Takahito and Sato, Tomokazu and Mukaigawa, Yasuhiro and Yokoya, Naokazu}, issue = {1}, journal = {IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications}, month = {Apr}, note = {Common light sources such as an ordinary flashlight with lenses and/or reflectors make complex 4-D light field that cannot be represented by conventional isotropic distribution model nor point light source model. This paper describes a new approach to estimate 4-D light field using an illuminated diffuser. Unlike conventional works that capture a 4-D light field directly, our method decomposes observed intensities on the diffuser into intensities of 4-D light rays based on inverse rendering technique with prior knowledge. We formulate 4-D light field reconstruction problem as a non-smooth convex optimization problem for mathematically finding the global minimum.}, title = {4-D light field reconstruction by irradiance decomposition}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} }