@article{oai:naist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003699, author = {砂原, 秀樹 and 藤川, 和利}, issue = {230}, journal = {専門図書館}, month = {Jul}, note = {In 1996, the library of Nara Institute of Science and Technology started operating as a model project of digital library in Japan. We have an operating and management experience over 12 years. Based on the experience, we renew the digital library in 2008 in terms of system architecture and user service model. In this paper, we describe the basic structure of our digital library. Moreover, we discuss the management model of digital contents.}, pages = {7--12}, title = {NAIST電子図書館: 図書館におけるデジタルコンテンツ -- 収集から「知」の創造へ}, year = {2008} }